A unified Women Parliamentarians’ Caucus shall be working together irrespective of political party affiliation, to ensure equality for all, especially women, children and the vulnerable, by advocating, enacting and monitoring gender- and child-sensitive laws Seychelles. To provide an opportunity for women to exchange and ensure the cross-fertilization of ideas, to form collective platforms on particular policies and actions, and to support one another on issues and areas of common concern.
The objective of the Caucus is to strengthen the voice of the women legislators in the Assembly.
- To promote solidarity among women in general and among women parliamentarians in particular;
- To influence policy and legislation from a gender perspective
- To raise awareness of gender equality issues in parliament
- To enhance the capacity of women parliamentarians as effective legislators and representatives;
- To ensure that gender equality policy and legislation is effectively implemented;
- To lobby for support from non-governmental and inter-governmental organizations.
Role & Purpose
Women play a vital role in every aspect of our society and it is only fitting that the voice of women should be heard at the highest levels of politics. The Caucus will provide women Parliamentarians a platform to struggle collectively for their own rights as well as bring more business pertaining to women issues to the Assembly debate.
The purpose of the Women’s Parliamentary Caucus are to:
1. Consider questions of equal opportunities for women and men and activities, policies and legislation related thereto both locally and internationally.
2. Follow up on the compliance of the National Assembly and Government, In matters pertaining to equal opportunities for Women, men and children;
3. Establish relations with and participate in meetings of local and international bodies promoting Equal Opportunities for Women and Men and represent the National Assembly in and follow the work of the relevant intergovernmental expert committees that deal with issues pertaining to women and parliament, both regionally and internationally.
4. Maintain working relations with the relevant Regional and International organizations, such as the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), the Commission on the status of women (CSW), the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and the OSCE, Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OHIHR), Global Institute For Women’s Empowerment (GIWE),
5. Encourage and advocate in favour of capacity building for women in government and support the participation of women in politics in particular their contribution to the proliferation of good governance.
6. Encourage and Advocate in favour of children and families. And maintain close working relationships with local NGOs, Civil Societies and Organizations related to children and families, such as National Children’s Council (NCC), Campaign for Awareness, Resilience and Education (CARE)
7. Work in close collaboration with the Minister of Family Affairs and Social Affairs Department.
- The Caucus name shall be Women’s Parliamentary Caucus, and use the abbreviation WPC
- The Caucus shall consist of all women members of the National Assembly
- The Caucus shall have the same formal relationship as any Standing Committee within the National Assembly.
- The Caucus shall adhere to the Rules of Procedures for Committees of the National Assembly.
- The Caucus shall elect its own chairperson
- The Caucus shall meet at least once a month, or as and when required.
- The Caucus shall be appointed for the duration of the Session of the National Assembly.
- The Secretary of the Caucus shall be appointed by the National Assembly Service.