On Thursday 21st July, 2022 the Women’s Parliamentary Caucus (WPC) held a visit at the Exceptional School of Seychelles followed by the Deaf School.

The aim of the visits was mainly to strengthen the collaboration with the 2 institutions, gain information about the facilities, the work undertaken by the teachers, their challenges and for Members to better exercise their oversight role as provided for under the Constitution. The visits and meetings are also part of the mandate of the Caucus which is detailed in its Terms of Reference, namely to encourage and advocate in favour of children and families; and maintain close working relationships with the Local Government, Ministries and Departments related to children and families.

At both schools, Members received a guided tour of the facilities and were able to interact with both, teachers and students. Some of the concerns raised by the schools was the lack of proper facilities for the children especially the availability of classes in carpentry, music, art and more. The lack of qualified teachers to work with special needs students including teachers specialized in sign language were highlighted as well as the lack of assistance given to the schools among other issues. The WPC will now plan to meet with the respective Ministers to discuss the highlighted issues further and seek to find solutions to better accommodate the needs of the schools.

The visit was led by the Chairperson of the WPC, Hon. Regina Esparon, the Vice-Chairperson, Hon. Audrey Vidot, Hon, Kelly Samynadin, Hon. Desheila Bastienne, Hon. Rosie Bistoquet, Hon. Doyace Porice, Hon. Flory Laure and Hon Sylvanne Lemiel. The WPC were assisted by Parliamentary Staff of the Secretariat, the 2 Caucus Secretaries and Assistant Secretary, Mrs. Florette Monaie, Ms. Samia Lebon and Ms. Denise Johnny.