Local Media Accreditation is for regular visits to the National Assembly precinct for press coverage of Sittings, Committee Public Hearings, interviews with Members and permitted National Assembly Service Staff, as well as filming for programmes and so forth.

Valid for FIVE years and for Local Media Houses Only

Personal information
The Positions of the Journalists/Media Personnel
[Check all that apply]
Media organisation
Type of medium
[Check all that Apply]
Application documents

A Cover Letter of Assignment on the official letterhead of the media organization signed by the Editor in Chief specifying the names and functional titles of the journalists/ media personnel of whom are required to have regular access. Unsigned letters and e-mails will not be accepted.
One file only.
4 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx, odt.

Copies of National IDs of the assigned journalists/media personnel.
Unlimited number of files can be uploaded to this field.
4 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx, odt, png, jpg, jpeg.


Once issued, the Local Media Accreditation Pass will be valid for a period of five years (5) from the date of issue, after which time the Media House/ Organisation will be required to renew the Accreditation.

Once approval has been granted only an email request is to be sent to the Public Relations & Protocol Office for onward coverage of Events and for clearance to access the building.

Media Houses/Organisations are required to send a Cover Letter of Assignment on the official letterhead of the organization signed by the Chief Editor/CEO to assign new journalists during the five year period so that they can be granted approval to carry out press coverage at the National Assembly.

The following identification must be presented on arrival at the National Assembly every time access is required. No pass will be issued or clearance to enter the Precincts approved without acceptable ID shown.

Forms of acceptable ID are:

  • National Identity Card
  • Driving License
  • Passport

The National Assembly reserves the right to grant or withdraw Assembly passes. If permission is granted, notification will be provided in writing. The written notice of approval will include any conditions or restrictions.