On Tuesday 10th October 2023, the Women’s Parliamentary Caucus (WPC) met with the Seychelles Alzheimer’s Foundation (SAF) with the purpose of increasing the understanding and recognition of the existence of Alzheimer’s Disease in Seychelles. The Chairperson of the WPC Hon. Regina Esparon was accompanied by Committee Members Hon. Sylvanne Lemiel, Hon. Flory Larue, Hon. Doyace Porice, Hon. Desheila Bastienne, Hon. Kelly Samynadin, and Hon. Rosie Bistoquet. Also in attendance of the meeting was Hon. Gervais Henrie, Hon. Sebastien Pillay, Hon. Andy Labonte, Hon. Sandy Arissol, Hon. Richard Labrosse, Hon. Wallace Cosgrow and Hon. Norbert Loizeau. Assistance was provided by Committee Secretary Mrs. Florette Monaie, and Assistant Secretary Ms. Denise Johnny.

The Seychelles Alzheimer’s Foundation was represented by Dr. Veshna Pillay, Mrs. Nane Lionnet, and Mrs. Lise Church, all of whom contributed to the insightful presentations and discussions held.

The SAF gave a detailed presentation on the realities of the disease, which actually falls under the umbrella term ‘Dementia’, and also includes other conditions that cause loss of memory and impact general thinking abilities. Common symptoms and signs of Dementia can be remembered using the ‘A-B-C-D’ system: Activities of daily living, Behaviour, Cognitive decline, and Disorientation. These signs are vital in recognizing the onset of Dementia and can progress in stages ranging from mild to advanced. The WPC was also informed of the options for treatment of Alzheimer’s which include medications such as Acetylcholinesterase and Memantine, as well as different therapy options such as Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) and Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy (CRT).

The WPC were also presented with statistics and figures on the figures surrounding Dementia in Seychelles, which included the life expectancy of men and women, the number of local carers, and policy frameworks in action regarding the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases and the delivery of long-term care. These statistics also included reports on Alzheimer’s in the Indian Ocean region, such as the “Mauritius - Biennial Report 2020/2021” conducted by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

As the presentation concluded, the WPC Members noted that there was a serious need to continually inform the general public and improve the awareness of the disease, its effects on sufferers and families, and the steps that need to be taken to treat patients as the disease develops.