Linyon Demokratik Seselwa
Grand Anse Mahe
Directly Elected Member

The Honorable Member, Mr. Waven William was born on the 27th June 1962.

Hon. William completed his studies at the Seychelles College in 1971.

He later went on to work in the agriculture industry for 9 years. Hon. William started off as a Soil’s Lab Technician for the Ministry of National Development, later a field supervisor for the Island Development Company and a Farm Manager for Research Stations for the Ministry of National Development.

As his career as a public servant progressed, in 1990 he was elected as the District Council Chairman under the Ministry of Local Government and automatically member of the people’s assembly during the one party state era for the Grand Anse Mahe District for 3 years..

In 1993, Hon. William was elected as a Member of the 1st National Assembly for the District of Grand Anse Mahe for the SPPF Party.

In 1998 he was once again re-elected as a Member of the 2nd National Assembly for the District of Grand Anse Mahe for the SPPF Party and also served as the Chairman of the District Council.

Hon. William from 1998 formed part of the International Affairs Committee of the National Assembly and later was elected as chairman of the committee till 2010.

He also served as a Bureau member on the decision making organ of the ACP/EU Parliamentary Assembly and he participated on two peace keeping mediation mission in the political crisis in Madagascar.

In 2011 after the National Assembly election he was appointed as Ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary. In 2012 he was posted as resident High Commissioner to India and accredited as non-resident High Commissioner to several countries throughout the years, namely Sri Lanka, Australia, Israel, Indonesia, Maldives and New Zealand. He was designated also to Bangladesh, Malaysia.

Under his portfolio were also the dossier for the Non-Allign Movement, I.O.R.A and the Indian Ocean Rim groupings.

In September 2016, he was elected as a Member of the 6th National Assembly for the District of Grand Anse Mahe for the Parti Lepep Party.  As well as representing the District of Grand Anse Mahe in the National Assembly, Hon. William is also a Member of three Committees namely, the Standing Orders Committee, the International Affairs Committee and the Committee on Reforms & Modernisation.

Hon. William was re-elected as the Member for Grand Anse Mahe for the 7th Assembly. He is the Chairperson of the International Affairs Committee and serves as a Member on the Standing Orders Committee. He is also a Member of the Delegation representing Seychelles with the Inter-Parliamentary Union.