On Tuesday 22nd October 2024, the International Affairs Committee (IAC) led by Chairperson Hon. Waven William met with representatives of the Foreign Affairs Department (FAD) to review the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism (ICSANT). FAD was represented by Legal Adviser Ms. Sandra Michel, and Legal Affairs Second Secretary Ms. Serah Bonte. Members of IAC present included Hon. Phillip Arissol, Hon. Egbert Aglae, and Hon. Rachel Spiro. Assistance was provided by Committee Secretary Ms. Emma Didon, and Assistant Secretary Mr. Darel Atala. Also in attendance was Hon. Sathya Naidu.

The representatives gave a presentation on the convention, with regards to aspects such as its national importance, implementation strategies, and relevant existing laws and legislation. It was emphasized that nuclear terrorism is an area that covers a broad spectrum of security threats, therefore the ratification of a comprehensive convention would provide the basis for more accessible international assistance. The representatives noted that currently Seychelles has a Radiation and Safety Unit which complies with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) protocols.

The IAC then held a follow-up meeting with key national stakeholders, on Friday 25th October 2024, to further discuss the existing radiation safety mechanisms and continue the process of ratifying the (ICSANT). Present were various governmental representatives, namely Mr. Patrick Marie, Mrs. Stephanie Boniface, Mr. Arold Kilindo, and Mr. Daniel Cetoupe. Additional to the previous attending Hon. Members was Hon. Kelly Samynadin, with the omission of Hon. Aglae. The Committee was apprised of the composition of the Committee for Radiation Safety, which involves representatives of the Disaster Risk Management Division, the Ministry of Health, Seychelles Fire and Rescue Services Agency, Seychelles Defence Forces, the Public Health Authority, the Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs, and the Department of Environment, who all play vital roles in the regulation and management of radiation sources.

The mandate of the Radiation and Safety Unit was discussed at length, such as the development of national policies, the enforcing of regulations, the ensuring of national compliance with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) protocols, and the maintenance of a national register of radiation sources. The Unit is also tasked with the protection of the public and proper disposal of radioactive materials. As a member of the Committee for Radiation Safety, Ms. Boniface noted that the Radiation Safety and Security Act, 2014 is currently under revision by the Office of the Attorney General, with the aim of the creation of a regulation and more robust policies.

On the afternoon of Tuesday 30th October 2024, the Motion submitted by Hon. William was brought for consideration by the House: “This Assembly resolves to authorize the Government to accede to the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism (ICSANT). This Motion calling for the ratification was deliberated upon, and then approved by the Assembly.