From the 13th to the 17th of October 2024, a parliamentary delegation led by Speaker of the National Assembly Hon. Roger Mancienne attended the 149th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland. Hon. Mancienne was accompanied by Hon. Waven William and Hon. Audrey Vidot, with assistance provided by IPU Desk Officer Ms. Emma Didon.

Before the commencement of the IPU Assembly, Hon. Mancienne in his capacity as President of the SADC PF attended the SADC and Geopolitical Group Meetings on Saturday 12th October 2024. Hon. Mancienne chaired the meeting on the subject of technology and innovation, and the role of parliamentarians in its responsible advancement. It was also announced that this meeting would be the final meeting chaired by Hon. Mancienne, as his tenure for the Presidency of SADC PF is nearing its completion. The Speaker thanked the SADC delegates for their support and contributions, noting their enrichment of his experience as President.

The meetings of the 149th IPU Assembly then commenced on Sunday 13th October, with Hon. William attending the Meeting of the Chairpersons of the Geopolitical Groups and Presidents of the Standing Committees in his capacity as the President of the Standing Committee on Sustainable Development. Attending the Forum for Women Parliamentarians was Hon. Vidot, accompanied by Ms. Didon, in which an intervention was made detailing the efforts of the Women’s Parliamentary Caucus (WPC) of the National Assembly. The panel discussions were centred on the theme “Sustaining Peace and Providing Justice for Women and Girls”, where Hon. Vidot had the opportunity to highlight the work of the WPC on the Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), as well as ongoing engagements with stakeholders.

On Monday 14th October, Hon. William attended both the Steering Committee Meetings as well as chaired the Bureau of the Standing Committee on Sustainable Development,in his capacity as President of the Bureau and it’s respective committee, in which he briefed the Bureau on the activities of the Committee. This was followed by the Assemblée Parlementaire de la Francophonie (APF), attended by Hon. Mancienne, Hon. Vidot, and Ms. Didon. The meeting began with updates on recent updates of the APF, such as the efforts in promoting parliamentary diplomacy in African Francophone states. Hon. Mancienne contributed by enquiring into the status of the conflict and reconciliation efforts regarding the conflict between the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda. Chair of the meeting Hon. Nicolas Walder confirmed that such conflict resolution efforts would continue. Hon. Mancienne and the Seychelles delegation then attended the Small Island Developing States Parliamentary Group (SIDS PF) Meeting, led by the Parliament of Fiji. Presenting various propositions was Ambassador Anda Filip of the IPU; Speaker Mancienne took the opportunity to thank the Ambassador for her guidance on multiple issues, assuring the continued engagement of the National Assembly of Seychelles in the SIDS PG.

Amongst a variety of meetings hosted on Tuesday 15th October, Hon. Vidot attended a workshop on health, under the theme “Can Parliamentarians tip the balance for sexual and reproductive health and rights?”. Concurrently, Hon. Mancienne, Hon. William and Ms. Didon attended a bilateral meeting with a delegation of the United Arab Emirates, led by Speaker of the Federal National Council Rt. Hon. Saqr Ghobash. The UAE Chair of the Seychelles - UAE friendship group Hon. Saeed Rashed Al Aabdi was also present at the meeting. During this reunion, discussions were centred on the parliamentary cooperation of both countries via the IPU, as well as remarks on the strengthening of the Friendship Group in the near future.

The last two meetings of the Standing Committee on Sustainable Development was held on Wednesday 16th October, and chaired by Hon. William. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the preparations for the upcoming 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP29), set to be held in Azerbaijan from the 11th to the 22nd of November. The Committee also held a Panel Debate under the theme “Towards a fair global financial system: The role of parliaments in preventing corporate tax avoidance and achievable sustainable development”. The following day, Thursday 17th October, Hon. William presented the report of the activities of the Standing Committee on Sustainable Development during the final Sitting of the 149th Assembly. The IPU Assembly then officially closed.