On Thursday 21st August 2024 the Communicable Diseases, HIV/AIDS and Sexual Reproductive Health & Rights Committee conducted oversight visits to the English River and Anse Royale Health Facilities. This was a continuation of the visit to the Inner Islands on the 19th and 20th July, as part of the National Assembly's commitment to strong governance and accountability. The visits were conducted by Chairperson Hon. Egbert Aglae, accompanied by Hon. John Hoareau, Hon. Audrey Vidot, Hon. Francois Adelaide, Hon. Andy Labonte and Hon. Doyace Porice. Assistance was provided by Committee Secretary Ms. Genevieve Daniel. Also in attendance was Hon. Sylvanne Lemiel, in her capacity as the elected Member for Anse Royale.

The visits provided an in-depth understanding of the respective infrastructure and equipment of both facilities, staff capacity and training needs, service delivery mechanisms, policies and guidelines, and the integration of communicable diseases, SRHR and HIV/AIDS services, in alignment with national priorities. Both visits were guided by the respective Nurse Managers, Ms. Paula Dubignon from Anse Royale Health Centre and Ms. Marie-Helene Niole from the English River Clinic.

It was continually emphasised that accessibility and quality assurance are vital components in the provision of essential healthcare services within communities and the promotion of public health and wellbeing. By examining health services related to communicable diseases, HIV/AIDS, and sexual reproductive health and rights, the Committee aims to identify gaps, best practices, and opportunities for improvement.