On the afternoon of Thursday 18th July 2024, the Media, Youth, Sports and Culture Committee (MYSCC), led by Chairperson Hon. Wavel Woodcock, conducted a visit to the New SBC House situated at Union Vale. Hon. Woodcock was accompanied by Vice-Chairperson Hon. Phillip Arissol, Hon. Georges Romain, Hon. Flory Larue and Hon. Rachel Spiro, with assistance provided by Assistant Committee Secretary Ms. Michelle Cupidon.

The aim of the visit was to receive the latest updates on the newly built infrastructure and gain an understanding of the progress of the move from the current SBC facility to the new SBC House. A tour of the building was conducted to give the Committee Members a greater insight into the up-to-date and newly implemented facilities within the building.

After the tour, the Committee met with SBC Board Members to discuss the various ongoing challenges being faced such as the testing and commissioning of equipment, the need for training and development of the workforce, and most significantly the issue of budgetary constraints in relation to the complete relocation to the new building. Following this pertinent discussion, the Committee expressed their thanks for the tour and for the opportunity to gain an insight into the development of this substantial undertaking. The positive meeting then came to a close.