On Thursday 16th May 2024, the Food Security and Sustainable Development (FSSD) Committee, led by its Chairperson Hon. Flory Larue, met with the Minister for Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment Mr. Flavien Joubert. Hon. Larue was accompanied by the FSSD Vice-Chairperson Hon. Waven William, Hon. Clifford Andre, Hon. Norbert Loizeau, Hon. Francois Adelaide, and Hon. John Hoareau. Assistance was provided by Committee Secretary Mrs. Gillian Samson and Assistant Committee Secretary Ms. Cosette Songoire.

The purpose of the meeting was for the FSSD Committee to demonstrate support for the Ministry of Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment on various technical aspects of related legislation and policies for all three sectors, not excluding budgetary constraints faced on a daily basis. Discussions on the feasibility of achieving the targets of the Ministry’s strategic plan also took place. Other national issues such as climate change, sea grass protection, natural disasters, and district-related matter were also jointly addressed.

Both parties expressed their appreciation for the ongoing collaborative efforts, before the meeting came to a close.