The Media, Youth, Sports, and Culture Committee (MYSCC), led by Chairperson Hon. Wavel Woodcock visited the Seychelles National Institute for Culture, Heritage, and the Arts (SNICHA) on Thursday 26th October 2023. The purpose of the visit was to engage with the institute on their important role, gain an overview of their work, and learn about any difficulties they are facing. Accompanying the Chairperson was Vice-Chairperson Hon. Phillip Arissol, Hon. Kelly Samynadin, Hon. Conrad Gabriel, and Hon. Flory Larue, with assistance provided by Committee Secretary Mr. Vincent Quatre. Attending the visit were the CEO of SNICHA Ms. Benjamine Rose, Principal Project Officer Mr. Angelo Lesperance, and the Director of Finance and Human Resources Ms. Medge Bijoux.

The meeting began with the CEO providing an overview of the Heritage Resource Council, which currently has the capacity to employ 35 staff, but currently only employs 19. The CEO emphasized the need for all 35 staff members in order to achieve all their functions. One of these units is the Research and Dissemination Section, which is responsible for conducting different types of research. The information gathered from this research, such as interviews with the elderly, is stored and made available to local and foreign researchers who are studying the culture and given to schools for cultural education.

There are currently 17 heritage clubs where children can participate in cultural activities with the elderly. Additionally, there are three other programs within this unit, namely: "Konesans Gran Manman" which is geared towards commercial consumption; "Bazarki" which focuses on the transmission of knowledge; and the Living Heritage Program which is comprised of elderly individuals who visit the Domaine Val De Pres, a traditional Creole Village. Here, they showcase cultural and traditional practices twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Every week, a group of students from both public and private schools, ranging from primary to university level, visit the village as part of their school curriculum.

Hon. Woodcock then requested further information on the objectives of the organization, specifically regarding the identification, conservation, and promotion of Seychelles' cultural heritage. The CEO emphasized to achieve their conservation goals; the organization not only engages in activities but also conducts maintenance on all its cultural sites such as the restoration of the Baie Lazare ‘Lazare Picault’ monument. Altogether they have 47 declared monuments, and a list of other sites and monuments that have not been declared yet, that will undergo future restoration. One of the main hindrances in the work done by SNICHA is that of limited financial resources.

The CEO noted that the current assigned budget was not sufficient for the specialized processes and materials needed to conduct the declaration and restoration of sites and monuments.

The meeting then concluded with a tour of the outdoor facilities, where the Committee were able to interact with the proprietors of small art-based kiosks.