On Friday 27th to Sunday 29th October 2023, the Defence and Security Committee (DSC) of the National Assembly visited its partners and the existing facilities that require renovation and others that need new accommodation. The Committee was led by Chairperson Hon. Clifford Andre, Vice-Chairperson Hon. Francois Adelaide, and accompanied by Hon. Doyace Porice. Hon. Churchill Gill, Hon. Sathya Naidu and Hon. Norbert Loizeau also attended and acted on behalf of Members of the Committee who were on Official overseas missions. Assisting the DSC was Committee Secretary Mrs. Gillian Samson, and Assistant Secretary Mrs. Donatienne Chetty.

In order for Hon. Loizeau to accompany the Committee, a Swearing in Ceremony took place in advance, on the 25th October 2023.

The Committee was accompanied at the Police Stations by the Commissioner of Police, Mr. Ted Barbe alongside ACP Antoine Denousse, ACP Ned Wirtz, and other high-ranking officials.

The Committee visited the Grand Anse Praslin, Baie Ste Anne and La Digue Police Stations, the Praslin Coastguard Station at Baie Ste Anne, the Praslin Radar stations and the Fire Services Station on both Praslin and La Digue.

The visit also included a review of the operations of the SCAA at the Praslin Terminal. Members of the Committee had the opportunity to witness the arrival flights to Praslin at the Control Tower and were given a tour of the newly built St. Mary’s Hospital on La Digue.