On Monday 30th October 2023, the Chairperson of the Defence and Security Committee (DSC) Hon. Clifford Andre met with the Chargé D’Affaires for the United States to the Seychelles Mr. Adham Loutfi. Hon. Andre was assisted by Public Relations Manager Ms. Angelique Hill. The purpose of the meeting was for the newly accredited Chargé D’Affaires to inquire into the mandate, goals, and challenges of the DSC, and discuss the ways in which the United States could be of assistance.

Hon. Andre welcomed Mr. Loutfi and began by outlining the role of the DSC, clarifying that it held an oversight and development role in the field of confidential and security-based entities, such as intelligence, police, and other defense forces. The largest challenge faced by the Committee has been that of budgetary restraints, and a lack of capacity-building measures for both Members and Support Staff of the DSC. Hon. Andre noted that all themes of capacity-building were important to the DSC, ranging from illicit drugs, cyber-crime, maritime security, amongst others, and that the US Embassy should not hesitate to share these training opportunities with the Committee. Both virtual and in-person training opportunities were discussed, with the Chairperson remarking that any exposure to technical knowledge-building sessions was of great importance.

Mr. Loutfi thanked Hon. Andre for the meeting, remarking that Seychelles was an important actor in the Indian Ocean region and held noteworthy significance to the United States as the two countries share many mutual interests such as maritime security, economic growth, and the strong development of the education sector. Hon. Andre thanked Mr. Loutfi in kind and noted that a future meeting with the rest of the DSC would enhance these discussions further.