On Friday 14th April 2023, the Defense and Security Committee (DSC) of the National Assembly visited the Seychelles Civil Aviation Authority (SCAA) and other Airport Services that are supported under its authority. The Committee was led by the Chairperson Hon. Clifford Andre, and accompanied by Vice Chairperson Hon. Francois Adelaide, Hon. Michel Roucou, Hon. Audrey Vidot, Committee Secretary Mrs. Gillian Samson, and Assistant Secretary Ms. Savrina Pirame. Also present for the visit was the Chairperson of SCAA Mr. Marlon Orr and the Management group of SCAA.

The Committee observed the ongoing operations of the Police Officers, Immigration Division, Travizory Section as well as the ANB, Cargo terminal and Fire Services Station on a busy day at the time of arrival and departure flights. After meeting with the various divisions, the Committee collected considerable information on the functions and operations of each department. Overall, structural space constraints, limited manpower and lapses in the purchase and use of modern technology were found to be the main concerns.

The Committee plans to meet with SCAA and the partners again in future to discuss a variety of solutions that can be taken to remedy the conditions and improve daily operations.