On Friday 3rd and Saturday 4th of March 2023, the Media, Youth, Sports and Culture Committee (MYSCC) conducted a series of meetings and visits on Praslin and La Digue with various stakeholders. Committee members attending the working trip included the Chairperson of MYSCC Hon. Wavel Woodcock, the Vice Chairperson Hon. Philip Arissol, Hon. Flory Larue, Hon. Conrad Gabriel and Hon. Naddy Zialor. Accompanying the Committee was the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, Hon. Gervais Henrie.

The objective of the working trip was to gain updated information from various stakeholders about the work done in relation to media, youth, sports, culture and other related concerns within their purview. In addition, the Committee aimed to gain detailed information about the active sports facilities on Praslin and La Digue from staff who are knowledgeable about the sites, in order to see the progress of refurbishment of the La Digue Sports Complex and the Amitie Stadium. The Committee also aimed to assess the status of the project for artisans and craftsmen at L’Union Estate La Digue, which involves the development of a structure for artists to provide a space for the promotion and sale of products and crafts.

On the 3rd of March, the Committee met with photographers and videographers on Praslin who were able to detail the challenges they face as persons in the field of media residing on the inner islands. The Committee also met with the Praslin Sports Committee, who provided information on the variety of sports disciplines on Praslin. One of the main challenges they are facing is the lack of infrastructure for all the sports disciplines. The Committee then visited the Amitie Stadium where the deterioration of the field was observed and noted. The Hon. Members were able to gain information on the numerous plans for the stadium in the future, which includes the replacement of the artificial grass, also known as AstroTurf.

On Saturday 4th of March, the Committee met with several stakeholders and visited the La Digue Sports Complex. The Hon. Members met with the Chief Executive Officer of the L’Union Estate Mr. Derick Ally, who gave the Members a detailed presentation about the Estate and plans for the future. These plans include the general improvement of facilities and an increase in the activities available such as glamping and kite surfing. The Committee also met with representatives of artisans and craftsmen of La Digue where they discussed the business climate and their concerns. The main concerns expressed were the lack of areas to display their products and a lack of raw materials for production. The Committee then met with the La Digue Arts Committee and the La Digue Arts and Culture Association. One of their main concerns was the lack of synergy between the Arts Committee, the La Digue Arts and Culture Association, the department of tourism, and other government stakeholders in the organization of national activities or events.

Additionally, the Hon. Members visited the La Digue Sports Complex, where the roof has been replaced but other major renovation works are needed. The main issue facing the Complex is the deterioration of most of the existing infrastructure, including the playing field. It was noted that here is also a distinct lack of storage and office space. From the MYSCC’s last visit in October 2021, the Committee has observed that there is still a lot of work to be done to improve the La Digue Sports Complex.