The Media, Youth, Sports and Culture Committee had its first visit of 2023 on Thursday 2nd February, at the Seychelles National Youth Council (SNYC). Members of the Committee present were Chairperson Hon. Wavel Woodcock, Vice Chairperson Hon. Philip Arissol, Hon. Kelly Samynadin, Hon. Naddy Zialor, and Hon. Flory Larue. The Committee was joined by newly appointed CEO, Mr. Albert Duncan, Director of the Youth Empowerment and Wellbeing section Mr. Marcus Mederic, Director of Youth Engagement Mr. Simon Barra, Program Coordinator for the Youth Leadership section Ms. Josette Cadence, and Public Relations, Information and Communication Officer Ms. Marie May Larue.

A meeting was held where numerous topics were discussed at length, including the SNYC offices of Praslin and La Digue where location was the main issue. The Committee was informed that youth activities and services in the districts are now being offered at a regional level and work is being aimed at developing active interest groups.

SNYC youth programs were a highlighted topic throughout the discussion, with updates on the current programs being provided by the SNYC staff. Another significant point of discussion was the need for the alignment of the SNYC activities and services to the needs of our current-day youth. The Committee were able to gain clarity about the Seychelles National Youth Assembly in relation to the upcoming election of its members, which is a newly founded practice.

The meeting was followed by a visit of the SNYC offices which currently occupy three floors of the SACOS Tower in Victoria. The Committee Members had the opportunity to interact with staff members and gain more insight into the nature of their work. Topics discussed during the visit included the recent revision of the remuneration packages of staff, training of staff, and the roles of program officers (previously known as youth workers) in engaging the youth and facilitating their access to services.