The validation meeting for the SADC PF Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Governance Project took place in Johannesburg, South Africa and was attended by Members and representatives of Parliaments, various Civil Society Organizations, and SRHR researchers.

Seychelles was represented by Hon. Francois Adelaide, head of the delegation and a Member on the Parliamentary Committee on Communicable Diseases, HIV/AIDS and SRHR. He was accompanied by the Secretary to the Committee/SADC PF Governance Project Ms. Genevieve Daniel, Assistant Secretary to the Committee Ms. Petra Tirant, the Chairperson of HIV and AIDS Support Organization Mr. Justin Freminot, and the Programme Manager for the National AIDS Council Mrs. Marcelle Houareau. The National Assembly Committee on Communicable Diseases, HIV/AIDS & SRHR falls under the aegis of the project and implements activities under this context together with other parliamentary Committees such as the Women’s Caucus and other relevant line ministries and partners, inclusive of Civil Society Organizations.

SADC PF is implementing the regional Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Governance Project with the overall objective of promoting access to SRHR in Southern Africa within the universal health coverage context. The project is being implemented in collaboration with 11 SADC National Parliaments including Seychelles

The 2nd phase of project implementation commenced in 2019 and is set to end in March 2023, hence the necessity for an End of Term Review multi-stakeholder validation meeting. The review was conducted by consultancy service ‘Development Data,’ contracted by SADC PF with the aim of validating the initial findings of the consultant after having received preliminary evaluation reports from SRHR researchers from all active implementing countries.

The consultations will culminate in a revised report of findings which will be presented to SIDA, Sweden - the SRHR Governance Project’s sponsor.