The Media, Youth, Sports, and Culture Committee (MYSCC) visited the Anse Royale Youth Hostel on Thursday 21st July 2022. The visited was conducted to gain more information on the facilities of the Youth Hostel and its available resources. Another aim of the visit was to gather and understand concerns from both staff who work at the Hostel and the students who reside there. The MYSCC met with the director of the Anse Royale Youth Hostel, Mr. Roger Alphonse, the members of staff and student representatives. Following the meeting, the MYSCC was guided through the campus by Mr. Roger Alphonse and members of the student council.

As a precursor to the campus visit, Mr. Alphonse provided Committee Members with a brief overview of the Hostel and its trajectory to the present day. Mr. Alphonse stated the mission of the Youth Hostel, which is to provide better accommodation for the students, “A home away from home”. Mr. Alphonse then discussed several issues which are considered hindrances in the achievement of the Youth Hostel’s mission. The issues include, limited fiscal and human resources, limited I.T facilities, the necessity for renovations and repairs to older structures, as well as the delayed construction of a recreational area. In addition, the director stated that the Youth Hostel lacked a canteen for students and that there are limited laundry services. The Members were given the opportunity to seek clarification on the issues pointed out and suggested certain considerations. The members of staff present at the meeting had the opportunity to voice their concerns about the Hostel, which included the salary package, their workload, and issues regarding the maintenance capacities.

Students residing at the Youth Hostel were also able to voice their concerns. The lack of a study area, recreational area, and lack of I.T and internet facilities were the main issues emphasized during the discussion. Members of the MYSCC had the chance to engage in a fruitful and interesting dialogue with the students, seeking clarifications and posing further questions regarding the Hostel.
The campus visit was then carried out where the Committee observed numerous units consisting of rooms and kitchens. Further information on the provisions of the Youth Hostel was gathered and the Members of the MYSCC had the chance to interact with other students who were present whilst the visit was being conducted. The Members also had the chance to visit the workshop of the Youth Hostel, outdoor laundry area, and the space which had been designated for the building of the recreational area.

The Committee Members present were, Hon. Wavel Woodcock (Chair), Hon. Philip Arissol (Vice-Chair), Hon. Flory Larue, Hon. Naddy Zialor, Hon. Kelly Samynadin and Hon. Paul Ernesta.