The Media, Youth & Culture Committee (MYCC) of the National Assembly carried out a familiarization visit to the Seychelles Broadcasting Corporation (SBC) last week on 14th April 2022, at the SBC station Hermitage.
The visit was aimed at providing the Committee with a better understanding of the operations and also an overview of the challenges currently affecting the productions and overall functions of the national broadcaster. The Committee had the chance to tour the station and visited some key departments of SBC, led by the Deputy CEO, Ms. Cindy Wirtz.

The visit was an invitation from the CEO, Mr. Berard Dupres and the Chairperson of the SBC Board, Mr. Gerard Lafortune. It was seen as necessary for the MYCC to carry out the familiarization visit, especially after meeting with the Committee earlier this year where several challenges that were affecting the production and functions of the SBC were highlighted.

The Committee Members led by its Chairperson, Hon. Wavel Woodcock had the opportunity to openly discuss certain challenges and constraints within certain departments. Key points such as staffing and attracting new professionals within the SBC, especially in the Newsroom department were discussed, and the MYCC delegation was able to get an onsite discussion with the heads of Units about these issues.

The Chairperson of the committee, Hon Woodcock, expressed that the MYCC has had a better context of the operations of the SBC vis a vis their allocated yearly budget and their mandate. In performing its oversight role, the National Assembly through the Committee will strengthen the ties between the two parties in ensuring the continued progression of the National Broadcaster.

On his side, the CEO of SBC, Mr. Dupres, pointed out that SBC encourages such initiatives that will help both parties have a better understanding of the functions and operations of the organisation. Mr. Dupres stated further that as financing is a major issue for the SBC, the visit will brighten up key factors that Members question in the budget debates.

Whilst stating many constraints faced by the organization, the CEO pointed out that the Management of SBC is working with the resources available to produce at the expectation of the public. Furthermore, it is with the hope that the new SBC House, will help in solving some of these problems such as equipment and space capacity.
Other Members of the Committee present at the site visit were; the Vice-Chairperson of the Committee, Hon. Phillip Arissol, Hon. Kelly Samynadin, Hon. Paul Ernesta, Hon. Flory Larue, and Hon. Naddy Zialor.