On Saturday 13th November 2021 the Defence and Security Committee of the National Assembly visited the Seychelles Fire and Rescue Services Agency Station at Anse Boileau and the one on La Digue. This visit is a follow-up of the previous visit done at SFRSA Headquarters on Friday 5th November.
The purpose of the visit was mainly to see firsthand the resources in place, identify what their needs are and what Members will deem necessary for the Budget 2022 scrutiny, which will permit the Members to understand, consider and support the demands in the coming debate.

At Anse Boileau, the Chief Fire officer, Mr. Albert Rose and his Officers took Members on a tour which lasted for just over half an hour and the focus was the inadequate space for the Station, the well-being of SFRSA Officers stationed there and the diversion of a road which is impeding on the construction of a new and modern Fire Station already having sponsorship by private sector. On La Digue, the Deputy Fire Officer, Mr. Regis Bethew led the delegation on a tour and meeting. The main points of discussions were lack of manpower including shortage of drivers, meal allowances for recruits being trained on Praslin, procurement of uniforms, accommodation for family members on visits, the number of water hydrants, emergency tickets and feedback from Headquarters on previous meetings and issues raised.

The Defence and Security Committee Members took the opportunity whilst at Anse Boileau to also visit the Police Station adjacent to the SFRSA Station. On this visit, Superintendent Antoine Denousse in charge of Operations, Sub-Inspector Samuel Cadeau the Station Commander and Project Officer, Mr. Tony Maria led the delegation inside the Station to see the structure and space requirements, as well as the surrounding precinct to identify areas which is being proposed for additional facilities for offices and barracks. Similar to SFRSA, a number of issues related to Staff welfare were raised by the Officers present for consideration by the Committee Members.
For the visits, the Defence and Security Committee was represented at Anse Boileau by the Chairperson, Hon. Clifford Andre, Vice-Chairperson, Hon. Francois Adelaide and other Members, Hon. Audrey Vidot, Hon. Sandy Arissol and Hon. Michel Roucou, whereas on La Digue the Committee was represented by Hon. Doyace Porice and Hon. Churchill Gill.