On the morning of Thursday 20th June 2024, a mock Sitting of the National Assembly titled the ‘Kid MNA’ activity was held in commemoration of International Children's Day and the upcoming Festival Zanfan. The activity was jointly hosted by the Attorney General’s (AG’s) Office, the National Children's Council (NCC), and the National Assembly of Seychelles.
The purpose of the activity was for young students to simulate a real parliamentary debate centered on the theme of criminal responsibility and the sentencing of minors through a discussion on the fabricated “Youth Offenders Bill, 2024,” led by the State Counsel of the AG’s Office Mrs. Nissa Thompson. Presiding over the mock Sitting was a student from Perseverance Mikel Marie.
Students from ten different schools, accompanied by their respective teachers, were welcomed to the National Assembly precinct and had the unique opportunity to take a seat within the Chamber and act as parliamentarians. Amongst the students were representatives of both the AG’s Office and the NCC, who assisted and took part in the session.
All attendees were given a briefing on the Decorum and parliamentary procedures observed when present in the Chamber by the Clerk of the National Assembly Mrs. Tania Isaac, and the Sergeant-at-Arms Mr. Antoine Rose. This included an explanation on how to properly address the Chair, the importance of bowing, and rising upon the entrance and exit of the Presiding Officer. Present in the Public Gallery was the Speaker of the National Assembly Hon. Roger Mancienne, who observed the mock Sitting, and gave a strong word of encouragement, in support of the young students.
The activity was ultimately considered a success, with all parties having benefitted from the inspirational and enriching experience.