The Clerk to the National Assembly, Mrs. Tania Isaac and the Director for Hansard and Records, Mrs. Florette Monaie participated in the 8th Society of Clerks-at-the-Table (SoCATT) Professional Development Seminar in Arusha, Tanzania from 20th – 23rd May 2024, focusing on the theme ‘Re-Positioning Parliamentary Administration in the Era of Evidence & Modernisation’.
The seminar brought together more than 65 parliamentary officials from Commonwealth Branches and Sub-Branches of the African region, headed by the Clerks of Parliament to address the evolving landscape of parliamentary administrations, with a particular focus on the importance of evidence-based practices and modernization in its operations. The well researched presentations delivered by seasoned Clerks, Parliamentary Studies and Training Institutions and Senior Parliamentary Officials equipped the Clerks, Deputy Clerks and Secretaries of Parliaments with updated, evidence based, and technology enabled reforms to improve parliamentary operational efficiency in an ever-changing landscape.
The Clerks chaired the thought-provoking sessions and Mrs Isaac had the opportunity to lead the discussion on ‘Post Legislative Evaluation: Practices and Procedures.” Mrs. Isaac and Mrs Monaie participated in further discussions on the integral aspect for the refinement of post-election inductions and orientations, law-making procedures, Human resources procedures and practices in the parliamentary administration and the use of AI in parliaments.
The seminar extends beyond Arusha, as the outcomes and recommendations are expected to inform policy making and best practices in the respective parliamentary administrations at both national and international levels.
The Society of Clerks at the Table (SoCATT) in Commonwealth parliaments was created as a means to foster a sense of mutual interest among parliamentary officers in their duties, rights and privileges. This forum makes accessible the parliamentary practice of different Commonwealth parliaments through research, sharing of experiences and best practices of Clerks at the Table in the discharge of their professional duties.
Editor’s Note: The conference for Clerks -at-the table Comprises clerks for National Parliaments and Sub-National Parliaments under the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association for the Africa Region.