On the morning of Thursday 28th March 2024, the Governor of the Central Bank of Seychelles (CBS) , Ms. Caroline Abel paid a courtesy call on the Deputy Speaker, Hon. Gervais Henrie to present the CBS Annual Report including the Financial Statement and the Reserves Management Report. The Governor was accompanied by the First Deputy Governor Mr. Brian Commettant, Senior Communications Officer Mrs. Sharon Uranie and graphics designer Ms. Velma Cafrine.
Ms. Abel had the honour to present a copy of the reports in accordance with Section 48 (2) of the Central Bank of Seychelles Act, 2004. Ms. Abel reaffirmed that she and her team are prepared to provide the National Assembly with a presentation on the content of the Report due to the complexities of the data and information. Mr Deputy Speaker noted the significance of a National Assembly debate on these reports as they are matters that should be elevated and considered by parliamentarians.
Both the Deputy Speaker and the Governor discussed ways to strengthen the collaboration between the Parliament and CBS especially on technical guidance and sharing of information especially as the financial sector develops and innovates – for example with the likes of AI and digital services.
The Deputy Speaker thanked Ms. Abel for her contribution and for the Reports, whilst highlighting the continuous efforts and tremendous work undergone by the team at CBS.