On Wednesday 27th March 2024, the Ombudsman, Mrs. Nichole Tirant-Ghérardi paid a courtesy call on the Deputy Speaker, Hon. Gervais Henrie to present the Annual Report for the year 2023. The Ombudsman was accompanied by Ms Carmen Cesar, the Legal and Investigation Officer.
Mrs. Tirant-Ghérardi had the honor to present a copy of the Annual Report of the Ombudsman for the year 2023 under the Theme “The Ombudsman – The Quality Controller of Democracy” to the Deputy Speaker.
This act was done as part of her Constitutional duty and is stated in Article 143 (6) of the Constitution, which dictates that ‘The Ombudsman shall not later than the thirty-first January in each year make a general report to the National Assembly with a copy to the President on the exercise of the functions of the Ombudsman under this Constitution during the previous year.’
Mrs. Tirant-Ghérardi highlighted that it would be very important for the National Assembly to discuss and debate on the Reports and hindsight make known the recommendations to the public. Hon. Henrie thanked Mrs. Tirant-Ghérardi for the insightful report and tremendous work undertaken during her tenure as the Ombudsman and wished her all the best in her future endeavours.