On Thursday 18th July 2024, the Finance and Public Accounts Committee (FPAC) chaired by the Leader of the Opposition Hon. Sebastien Pillay, visited the Office of the Auditor General (OAG). Accompanying Hon. Pillay was Hon. Sandy Arissol, Hon. Richard Labrosse, Hon Churchill Gill and Hon Conrad Gabriel, with assistance provided by Committee Secretary and Deputy Clerk to the National Assembly Ms. Alexandria Faure, Second Secretary Ms. Shannon Surman, and Assistant Committee Secretary Ms. Sheryl Rangasamy. Representatives of the OAG included Senior Audit Manager Mrs. Marie Lise Pierre, accompanied by various Audit Management staff.

The aim of the meeting was to obtain an in-depth overview of the operations of the OAG, the methods of auditing and oversight on the budget of the organization. The presentations included the overall structure of the OAG, and the methods and processes for the different audits the office carries out, including the budget structure for 2024 and 2025.

Committee Members had the opportunity to address pertinent matters, and pose questions, relating to the office’s budgetary constraints and submissions. The meetings ended with the Committee visiting the different offices and becoming acquainted with the different auditors that work within the OAG.

Editor’s Note: The strong link between the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) and the Finance Public Accounts Committee (FPAC) is a critical element of the accountability architecture of a country – regarding each other as partner institutions. To this end, the FPAC remains committed to fostering and strengthening its relationship with the OAG to bolster pliancy in financial management. The FPAC expresses thanks to the management and staff of the OAG for the continued diligence in their duties which promote good governance, accountability and compliance across the public sector.