On Thursday 21st of March 2024, the Chairperson of the Finance and Public Accounts Committee (FPAC), Hon. Sebastien Pillay met with the Auditor General, Mr. Gamini Herath and other officials from the Office of the Auditor General (OAG), Ms. Helen Hoareau, Ms. Ruth Fanchette, Ms. Wendy Zialor, and Ms. Hillary Rene.

As the parliamentary committee responsible for financial oversight over the executive, the FPAC works closely with the OAG as a Supreme Audit Institution (SAI). This meeting, held ahead of public hearings on the audit findings in the Auditor General’s Report 2022, aimed to establish early engagement with the OAG and the way forward in terms of preparations for the hearings. Other topics discussed included further enhancing the enquiries made by the FPAC as well as capacity building for Members and Staff of the National Assembly. The meeting concluded with assurances of continued engagement between the FPAC and OAG.