Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), of which the Leader of Government Business Hon. Bernard Georges is an Executive Committee Member, hosted the National Parliamentary Session on Nuclear Security on Thursday 20th July 2023, in partnership with the National Assembly and Global Affairs Canada. In attendance was the Speaker of the National Assembly Hon. Roger Mancienne, Deputy Speaker Hon. Gervais Henrie, the Minister for Internal Affairs Mr. Errol Fonseka, the Leader of the Opposition Hon. Sebastien Pillay, invited Honourable Members, the Senior Director of the PGA Mr. Peter Barcroft, representatives of the Seychelles Police & Defence Forces, representatives of both national and international organizations, the Clerk of the National Assembly Mrs. Tania Isaac, and other Secretariat staff.

The purpose of this workshop was to provide all attendees the necessary information and statistics on the benefits of ratifying and implementing the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism (ICSANT).

Conducting the opening remarks and officially opening the forum was the Hon. Speaker Mancienne, who emphasized that despite our island nation’s small size, “no nation is beyond the threat of nuclear terrorism”, and noted that collective efforts in education, security, and research is the way forward in the pursuit of global nuclear security. Hon. Georges paralleled the speech of the Hon. Speaker, remarking that it is critical for all global actors to play their part and contribute to the development of nuclear research and safety. Hon. Georges also urged fellow Hon. Members of the National Assembly to consider joining the PGA, as it has been an instrumental organization in the ratification and acceptance of democratic and peaceful legislative changes here in Seychelles and worldwide.

Also giving a brief speech and informative presentation was Mr. Peter Barcroft, who began by extending his thanks to both the National Assembly and the Government of Canada for the support proffered in the hosting and conception of this event. Mr. Barcroft discussed issues related to nuclear security such as economic instability, geopolitical conflict such as the Russia-Ukraine war, and particularly the acute effects of nuclear terrorism on women.

The workshop was supplemented by two in-depth presentations given by specialists. Starting the discourse was the Programme Officer of the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Ms. Francesca Andrian. Her presentation centered on the importance of adopting nuclear security treaties and adhering to policies of international cooperation. Ms. Andrian also promoted the ongoing programs and e-learning modules offered by the UNODC, especially in relation to the prevention and addressing of national security and defence. The second presentation was given by the Director and Senior Research Scientist of the African Center for Science and International Security (AFRICSIS), Mr. Hubert Voy. This contextual talk framed the importance of nuclear security in Africa and prompted those present to understand how this could affect Seychelles. Mr. Voy noted that information-sharing, cooperation, and security norm adherence was the key to reducing the probability of nuclear terrorism on the continent.

Following the presentations, the floor was opened to questions and participants were permitted to share information and provide suggestions for the decisions moving forward. The workshop was then officially closed by Hon. Richard Labrosse who gave the final remarks and thanked all who contributed in the fruitful session.