Linyon Demokratik Seselwa
Beau Vallon
Directly Elected Member

The Honorable Member, Mr. John Hoareau was born on the 31st January 1969.

Hon. Hoareau completed his studies at the Polytechnic School of Humanities and Sciences and then completed a Diploma in Science Education the the school of Education and Community Studies at Mont Fleuri in 1990.

He later pursued a Bachelor’s Degree of Education at the University of Sussex in the United Kingdom.

Hon. Hoareau returned to Seychelles and dedicated more than 23 years to the teaching profession. He taught at many different schools on Mahe, La Digue and for a brief two years at the Salisbury School in London.  

In 2018 Hon Hoareau completed a Masters of Business Administration Degree with distinction with University of the West of Scotland. Hon Hoareau is also an associate lecturer with the University of Seychelles in the Business Faculty.

He joined politics in 2012 as an executive member of the Seychelles National Party (SNP).

In September 2016, he was elected as a Member of the 6th  National Assembly for the District of Beau Vallon for the Opposition Party, Linyon Demokratik Seselwa (LDS).

In October 2020, he was re-elected as member of the 7th National assembly for the same district and Party.   

As well as representing the District of Beau Vallon in the National Assembly, Hon. Hoareau is also the vice chair-person of the Bills Scrutiny Committee and  Committee for HIV/AIDS, Sexual Reproductive Health Rights and communicable diseases.