The Environmental Policy Implementation Committee (EPIC) of the National Assembly Service, spearheaded by parliamentary staff participated in a two day ocean conservation festival called ‘Dekouver Nou Losean’ (DNL). The DNL is an ocean-based event held over Friday 24th and Saturday 25th of May 2024. The two-day event, organized by young ocean advocates, was aimed at raising awareness about the oceans, ocean discoveries, as well as the efforts that different organizations make to protect marine and coastal ecosystems. The activities over the course of the two-day event included a conservation fair, photography exhibitions, storytelling, talks with ocean experts, virtual reality experiences, and screenings of movies based on the ocean. The Environmental Policy Implementation Committee participated in the conservation fair of the ‘Dekouver Nou Losean’ event, eager to showcase their efforts made to protect the nurseries of the ocean: mangroves.


The Members are the Stall


Some Children at the Fair


The Members of EPIC Showcasing the Projects


The National Assembly wetlands, adopted in 2022, is home to the red mangroves. These mangroves provide a habitat for many species; those spotted, among others, include various birds, eagle rays, milk fish, as well as bees. Mangroves are also considered productive ecosystems due to their ability to sequester carbon, protect against erosion, protect against extreme weather, and can improve water quality due to their ability to filter out nutrients and sediments.


Children Participating with the Games at the Fair


The Exhibition of EPIC


The photos of EPIC on Display


EPIC had the opportunity to share its various activities aimed at protecting mangrove ecosystems and rehabilitation of the National Assembly’s wetland area, with the many visitors who attended the conservation fair. These activities include mangrove clean ups, harvesting and planting activities, as well as visits to other mangrove sites to gain broader perspectives of mangrove management and the work that other organisations do in relation to mangrove protection and rehabilitation. For EPIC, the conservation fair was a great opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of mangroves and their benefits, as well as the efforts being made as an institution.


Interactions at the Fair