Yesterday morning, the Finance and Public Accounts Committee (FPAC), Chaired by Hon. Sebastien Pillay met with a few key Entities.

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The first meeting for the day was with the Public Enterprise and Monitoring Commission (PEMC) which was represented by its Chairperson Mr William Zarine and its Chief Executive Officer Mr Georges Tirant. Following from this, the FPAC met with Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), with its members being its Director, Mr Richard Rampal along with the Deputy Director Mrs Debra Port-Louis and the Head of Operations Mrs Angele Low-Sauzier. Finally, the Government Audit Committee (GAC), represented by its Chairperson Mr Patrick Pierre and members, Mrs Gretel Quatre and Mr Anthony came forward.

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The main aim of these meetings were to enable new Members of the Committee to understand the role of the above-mentioned entities and how they can assist the FPAC in discharging its mandate going forward. Yesterday’s meetings follows one from last week whereby the FPAC met with the Auditor General, Mr Gamini Herath.

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Hon. Pillay stated that these meetings are being conducted in preparation for the work which the Committee will be doing in regards to the Auditor General’s Report for 2019 and the areas which the FPAC will be looking into.