Statutory Instruments (SI) are documents drafted by a government department to make changes to the law. They are published with an explanatory memorandum, which outlines the purpose of the SI. They are a form of legislation which allows the provisions of an Act to be subsequently brought into force or altered without Parliament having to pass a new Act.

Title File size Created on Sort ascending
S.I. 105 of 2022 - Land Reclamation (Retrospective Authority) (No.7) Order, 2022 249.57 KB 11/10/2022
S.I. 104 of 2022 - Land Reclamation (Retrospective Authority) (No.6) Order, 2022 249.26 KB 11/10/2022
S.I. 103 of 2022 - Public Health (Emergency Use Authorisation of Vaccines and Medical Products) (Amendment) Regulations, 2022 248.23 KB 03/10/2022
S.I. 102 of 2022 - Public Health Authority (Amendment of Third Schedule) Regulations, 2022 247.64 KB 03/10/2022
S.I. 101 of 2022 - Control of Rent and Tenancy Agreement (Rent Board Rules and Procedures) Regulations, 2022 2.56 MB 27/09/2022
S.I. 100 of 2022 - Prevention of Terrorism (Implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolutions on suppression of Terrorism) (Amendment) Regulations, 2022 248.06 KB 26/09/2022
S.I. 99 of 2022 - Fair Trading (Threshold for Merger Application) Regulations, 2022 254.93 KB 22/09/2022
S.I. 98 of 2022 - Fair Trading (Consumer Protection) (Product Labelling and Trade Description) Regulations, 2022 262.31 KB 22/09/2022
S.I. 97 of 2022 - Fair Trading (Prescribed Forms) Regulations, 2022 8.79 MB 22/09/2022
S.I. 96 of 2022 - Fair Trading (Corporate Immunity) Policy 2022 367.81 KB 22/09/2022
S.I. 95 of 2022 - Seychelles Maritime Safety Authority (Appeals Rules of Procedure) Regulation 2022 266.11 KB 20/09/2022
S.I. 94 of 2022 - International Trade Zone (Declaration of Zone) (Revocation) Notice, 2022 247.69 KB 20/09/2022
S.I. 93 of 2022 - Road Transport (Designation and Testing of Devices) (Amendment) Regulations, 2022 247.79 KB 20/09/2022
S.I. 92 of 2022 - Merchant Shipping (Marine Accident Reporting and Safety Investigation) Regulations, 2022 365.89 KB 01/09/2022
S.I. 91 of 2022 - Public Finance Management (Covid 19 Relief Fund Bank Account) Regulations, 2022 249.95 KB 29/08/2022
S.I. 90 0f 2022- Anti-Corruption (Salary and Allowances of Commissioner, Chairperson and Members of Advisory Council) Regulations, 2022 300.35 KB 29/08/2022
S.I. 89 of 2022 - Children's Care Homes (Minimum Standards of Care) Regulations, 2022 416.76 KB 29/08/2022
S.I. 88 of 2022 - Immigration (Amendment) Regulations, 2022 251.88 KB 29/08/2022
S.I. 87 of 2022 - Legal Practitioners (Examination for Admission of Attorneys-at-Law) Regulations, 2022 248.12 KB 17/08/2022
S.I. 86 of 2022 - Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank Term Loan Facility Order, 2022 250.86 KB 17/08/2022
S.I. 85 of 2022 - International Trade Zone (Amendment of Schedule) Regulations, 2022 250 KB 17/08/2022
S.I. 84 of 2022 - Environment Protection Act (Appeals Rules of Procedure) Regulations, 2022 264.89 KB 17/08/2022
S.I. 83 of 2022 - Maritime Zones (Exclusive Economic Zone) Order, 2022 746.29 KB 01/08/2022
S.I. 82 of 2022 - Maritime Zones (Contiguous Zone) Order, 2022 In 3.31 MB 01/08/2022
S.I. 81 of 2022 - Maritime Zones (Baselines) Order, 2022 490.99 KB 01/08/2022
S.I. 80 of 2022 - Maritime Zones (Territorial Sea) Order, 2022 2.69 MB 01/08/2022
S.I. 79 of 2022 - Fair Trading Act, 2022 (Commencement) Notice, 2022 152.26 KB 01/08/2022
S.I. 78 of 2022 - Companies and Associations (Extension of Time Limits) Order, 2022 152.64 KB 01/08/2022
S.I. 76 of 2022 - Seychelles Investment (Economic Activities) Regulations, 2022 206.02 KB 19/07/2022
S.I. 75 of 2022 - Land Reclamation (Retrospective Authority) (No.5) Order, 2022 153.86 KB 05/07/2022
S.I. 76 of 2022 - Seychelles Investment (Economic Activities) Regulations, 2022 206.02 KB 05/07/2022
S.I. 74 of 2022 - Revenue Administration (Common Reporting Standard) (Amendment) Regulations, 2022 1.09 MB 28/06/2022
S.I. 73 of 2022 - Adjudication of Titles Decree (Declaration of Adjudication Area) Order, 2022 151.95 KB 21/06/2022
S.I. 72 of 2022 - Employment Act (Exemption) Order, 2022 155.39 KB 14/06/2022
S.I. 71 of 2022 - Birds’ Eggs (Collection) (Amendment) Regulations, 2022 152.2 KB 07/06/2022
S.I. 70 of 2022 - Customs Management (Tariff and Classification of Goods) (Amendment) Regulations, 2022 398.7 KB 31/05/2022
S.I. 69 of 2022 - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development — Strengthening Quality of the Social Protection System Program Debt Order, 2022 155.17 KB 24/05/2022
S.I. 68 of 2022 - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development — Seychelles First Fiscal Sustainability and Climate Resilience Debt, Order 2022 155.01 KB 24/05/2022
S.I. 67 of 2022 - 5% 7-year Treasury Bond Debt Order, 2022 154.82 KB 24/05/2022
S.I. 66 of 2022 - 4.5% 6-year Treasury Bond Debt Order, 2022 154.87 KB 24/05/2022
S.I. 65 of 2022 - 3.75% 5 Year Development Bank of Seychelles Bond Guarantee of Debt Order, 2022 155.06 KB 24/05/2022
S.I. 64 of 2022 - 3.5% 4-year Treasury Bond Debt Order, 2022 154.89 KB 24/05/2022
S.I. 63 of 2022 - 2.5% 3-year Treasury Bond Debt Order, 2022 154.81 KB 24/05/2022
S.I. 62 of 2022 - St. Francois Atoll Terrestrial Special Reserve (Designation) Order, 2022 215.53 KB 17/05/2022
S.I. 61 of 2022 - Ile Du Sud - Poivre Atoll National Park (Designation) Order, 2022 246.04 KB 17/05/2022
S.I. 60 of 2022 - Ile Du Sud - Farquhar Atoll National Park (Designation) Order, 2022 171.45 KB 17/05/2022
S.I. 59 of 2022 - Ile aux Goelettes - Farquhar Atoll Special Reserve (Designation) Order, 2022 169.1 KB 17/05/2022
S.I. 58 of 2022 - Bancs de Sable - Farquhar Atoll Special Reserve (Designation) Order, 2022 162.24 KB 17/05/2022
S.I 57 of 2022 - Civil Status (Notification of Birth and Death Forms) Regulations, 2022 161.97 KB 09/05/2022
S.I. 56 of 2022 - Civil Status (Medical Certificate of Cause of Death) Regulations, 2022 401.73 KB 09/05/2022