Title Type File size Created on Sort ascending
Property Management Corporation (PMC) Financial Statements 2020 Report 1.47 MB 16/12/2022
PetroSeychelles Financial Statements 2021 Report 5.93 MB 16/12/2022
National Information Services Agency (NISA) Annual Report 2021 Report 3.23 MB 16/12/2022
Housing Finance Company Financial Statement 2021 Report 18.72 MB 16/12/2022
Air Seychelles Consolidated Financial Statements 2019 Report 9.88 MB 16/12/2022
Air Seychelles Consolidated Financial Statements 2018 Report 14.23 MB 16/12/2022
Seychelles Human Rights Commission Annual Report 2021 Report 6.5 MB 16/12/2022
Air Seychelles Consolidated Financial Statements 2020 Report 18.53 MB 16/12/2022
Seychelles Ports Authority Annual Financial Statements 2021 Report 4.23 MB 16/12/2022
Annual Report of the Office of the Auditor General for the year 2021 Report 5.06 MB 05/12/2022
Statement of Hon. Desheila Bastienne (International Day of the Elimination of Violence Against Women 2022) Statement 82.53 KB 25/11/2022
Report on the Visits at the School for the Exceptional Child and the Deaf School of Seychelles (Nov 2022) Report 3.19 MB 02/11/2022
Report of the Auditor General on the COVID-19 Relief Fund Account (2022) Report 2.84 MB 11/10/2022
Report of the Media, Youth, Sports & Culture Committee on the Visit to the University of Seychelles (July 2022) Report 445.77 KB 11/10/2022
Annual Report of the Media, Youth, Sports & Culture Committee for the year 2021 Report 395.49 KB 27/09/2022
Report on the 144th General Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Report 4.55 MB 27/09/2022
Public Announcement 7th progress report on the Convention on the Rights of the Child(CRC) Report 446.07 KB 30/08/2022
The 7th State party Report on the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child Report 1.04 MB 30/08/2022
Annual Report on Committee Work of the Committee on Communicable Diseases HIV/AIDS & SRHR (2021) Report 466.46 KB 03/08/2022
Report of the Sixth Ordinary Session of the Pan African Parliament ( 27th June - 2nd July 2022) Report 590.29 KB 03/08/2022
The Office of the Auditor General's Special Audit Report on The Financial Assistance for Job Retention (FA4JR) Scheme Report 5.41 MB 30/06/2022
Site Visits Report for 2020 to 2021 of the Defence & Security Committee Report 6.49 MB 06/06/2022
SADCOPAC Mission Report (GC Meeting & Training in Zimbabwe from 22nd-25th March 2022) Report 2.78 MB 02/06/2022
The Journal 2021 Journal 999.37 KB 09/05/2022
Annual Report of the Committee on Government Assurances (2020-2021) Report 11.99 MB 13/04/2022
Annual Report of the International Affairs Committee for 2021 Report 2.28 MB 12/04/2022
Office of the Auditor General Report on the Outsourcing and Management of the Cemetery and Burial Services Report 1.27 MB 29/03/2022
OAG Report on Land Deals and Transactions Between the Government and the United Seychelles Political Party Report 2.46 MB 25/03/2022
Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the DIisposal of Assets of the Former Compagnie Seychelloise de Promotion Hoteliere (COSPROH) during the Privatisation of The Company Report 7.32 MB 25/03/2022
Interim Report of the Islands Committee of the National Assembly (2020) Report 1.63 MB 15/03/2022
Report of the Auditor General for the Year 2020 Report 5.6 MB 15/03/2022
Standing Orders, 2020 Parliamentary Procedure 259.87 KB 23/02/2022
Annual Report of the Ombudsman for 2021: "The Ombudsman - An Institution in Jeopardy" Report 1.62 MB 18/02/2022
GCAA Seychelles National Assembly Audit Report (2019) Report 1.53 MB 11/01/2022
Media, Youth & Culture Committee Mission Report on the Praslin and La Digue Visit October 2021 Report 3.16 MB 14/12/2021
Statement by Hon Audrey Vidot to Commemorate International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (25 Nov 2021) Statement 104.92 KB 01/12/2021
Statement by Hon Rosie Bistoquet to Commemorate World AIDS Day 2021 (1st Dec 2021) Statement 529.23 KB 01/12/2021
Report of the International Affairs Committee on the Multilateral Convention Implementing Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Report 2.39 MB 18/11/2021
Report of the International Affairs Committee of l’Accord portant révision de l’Accord général de coopération entre les États membres de La Commission de l’ocean Indien Report 1.48 MB 18/11/2021
Rules for Media Related Activity at the National Assembly Parliamentary Procedure 4.55 MB 16/11/2021
National Assembly of Seychelles - Rules of Procedure for Committees Parliamentary Procedure 267.83 KB 12/11/2021
Report of the Office of the Auditor General, 2020 Report 5.6 MB 11/11/2021
Report of the International Affairs Committee on the SADC Protocol Against Corruption Report 937.8 KB 02/11/2021
Report of the International Affairs Committee on the Framework Convention on Tourism Ethics and Optional Protocol to the Framework Convention on Tourism Ethics Report 205.78 KB 13/09/2021
State of the Nation Address & Leaders Reply 1994-2021 Journal 4.15 MB 30/07/2021
Report of the International Affairs Committee on the SADC Agreement on Assistance in Tax Matters Report 1.25 MB 28/06/2021
Report of the International Affairs Committee on the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Report 968.71 KB 28/06/2021
Address to the UN Women Political Summit 21/ 06/2021 by Hon. Regina Esparon Statement 122.35 KB 23/06/2021
Report of the International Affairs Committee on the Optional Protocol to the Convention of the Rights of the Child on a Communications Procedure Report 1.65 MB 26/05/2021
Report of the International Affairs Committee on the Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Seychelles Concerning Counter Illicit Transnational Maritime Activity Operations Report 1.73 MB 26/05/2021