On Wednesday 6th November 2024, the Finance and Public Accounts Committee (FPAC) chaired by the Leader of the Opposition Hon. Sebastien Pillay, convened with the Auditor General Mr. Gamini Herath.

The primary focus of the meeting was to discuss the proposed budget of the Office of the Auditor General (OAG) for the year 2025 to be appropriated under the Appropriation Bill, 2025 currently before the House for Second Reading. Mr. Herath expressed his appreciation for the Committee’s support throughout the budget formulation process and achieving a reasonable outcome.

This meeting forms part of an ongoing series of meetings, chaired by Hon. Pillay, held this year with the OAG and the Ministry of Finance, National Planning and Trade involving discussions on budget preparations for 2025 for the OAG. These consultations are conducted in accordance with the requirements of Section 25 of the Auditor General’s Act 2010 which stipulates that the FPAC shall consider and may propose amendments and recommendations regarding estimates of sums required for the forthcoming year. These discussions also highlight the collaborative relationship between the FPAC and the OAG as one of the Committee’s key stakeholders, fulfilling an international best practice for the functioning of Public Accounts Committees across the world.

Furthermore, the meeting addressed the way forward, emphasizing continued engagement and collaboration between the FPAC and the OAG. Hon. Pillay was joined in the meeting by Vice Chairperson Hon. Terence Mondon, and Committee members Hon. Richard Labrosse, Hon. Conrad Gabriel, Hon. Churchill Gill, and Hon. Georges Romain.