On the morning of Wednesday 28th August 2024, the newly accredited Ambassador of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria to the Republic of Seychelles, H.E. Mr. Filali Ghouini, paid a courtesy call on the Speaker of the National Assembly Hon. Roger Mancienne. The Ambassador was accompanied by the Attache of the Algerian Embassy Mr. Abdelmalek Moussi. In attendance alongside the Hon. Speaker was Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Hon. Gervais Henrie, and Clerk Mrs. Tania Isaac.  


Group Photo


Hon. Mancienne warmly welcomed the Ambassador to Seychelles and extended his congratulations for the recent accreditation. The Ambassador thanked the Speaker, noting the positive cooperation between Seychelles and Algeria historically. He expressed a hope to continue this friendship through various institutions, such as the legislature, in an effort to actively reignite levels of bilateral cooperation. The development of a friendship group to link the two countries was discussed at length, with the Hon. Speaker noting the importance of such groups in fostering positive and long-lasting national linkages.  


Speaker, Hon. Roger Mancienne


H.E. Ghouini discussed the developing education sector in Algeria, with the rates of English literacy steadily increasing in schools nationwide. Deputy Speaker Hon. Henrie inquired into this development, noting the need for highly qualified teachers from Francophone countries particularly, to boost the adoption of French as a spoken language in Seychelles. During the interaction, it was also noted that Algeria currently has a budding higher education sector, with students from Seychelles studying in various universities across the country. In addition to education, the importance of sectors such as agriculture, fisheries, tourism, finance and economic development were also considered for future cooperation.  


H.E. Mr. Filali Ghouini


The Hon. Speaker then thanked the Ambassador for his visit and conveyed best wishes in his diplomatic mandate. Tokens of appreciation were then exchanged before the meeting came to a close.  


Exchanging tokens of appreciation