The Honorable Chairpersons of the different Committees of the National Assembly met with the Speaker, Hon. Roger Mancienne yesterday, Thursday 14th October 2021.

Chairpersons Meeting


The aim of the meeting was to discuss and brief the Members present on the activities and progress of their respective Committees, as well as highlight any issues and the way forward on certain parliamentary procedures. The Clerk, Mrs. Tania Isaac and Deputy Clerk, Ms. Alexandria Faure also attended this meeting to discuss feedback on Secretariat support to Committees. These Chairpersons meetings takes places every term with the purpose of increasing accountability, establishing reporting mechanisms and frequent discussions on parliamentary processes and procedures.


Hon Woodcock and Hon Pillay


Hon William & Hon Hoareau


Members present at the meeting were namely; Hon. Gervais Henrie, Chairperson of the Standing Orders Committee, Hon. Sebastien Pillay, Chairperson of the Finance and Public Accounts Committee, Hon Sylvanne Lemiel, Chairperson of the Committee on Government Assurances, Hon. Wavel Woodcock, Chairperson of the Media, Youth & Culture Committee, Hon. Rosie Bistoquet, Chairperson of the Communicable Diseases, HIV/AIDS and Sexual Reproductive Health & Rights Committee, Hon. John Hoareau, Vice-Chairperson of the Scrutiny of Bills Committee, Hon. Francois Adelaide, Vice-Chairperson of the Defence and Security Committee, Hon. Waven William, Chairperson of the International Affairs Committee and Hon. Regina Esparon, Chairperson of the Women's Parliamentary Caucus.