The International Affairs Committee (IAC) of the National Assembly, Chaired by Hon. Waven William met with the Anti-Corruption Commission on Thursday 14th October 2021. Hon. William was accompanied by other Members of the Committee, namely; the Vice-Chairperson, Hon. Wavel Woodcock, Hon. Philip Monthy, Hon. Wallace Cosgrow and Hon. Philip Arissol.


The IAC Meeting with ACCS


Hon William and Mrs De Silva


The purpose of this meeting was to finalise discussions that began at an initial meeting in May 2021 to review the ‘SADC Protocol Against Corruption’ which was submitted for Ratification to the Assembly under Article 64 (4) of the Constitution.

The Commissioner of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACCS), Mrs. May De Silva was accompanied by the Prevention and Education Manager in the ACCS and the Seychelles representative for SADC on the Anti-Corruption Sub-Committee (SACC), Mr. Dennis Joubert. Mrs. De Silva and Mr. Joubert both provided the Committee with further insights and clarity into some Articles in the instrument and on several concerns that were clarified by SADC in relation to how it may impact the current existing local laws on anti-corruption that is currently in force. In addition, it was also highlighted that certain existing laws need to be amended further for other relevant agencies policing corruption to better assist ACCS.

The Committee will be presenting a Report to the House when the Protocol will be presented for ratification soon.


Hon Woodcock Making a Point


Members and Mr Joubert