On Friday, 06th August 2021, our team of Housekeepers comprising of one Senior Housekeeper and four Housekeepers attended a Team Building and Positivity Workshop, facilitated by Mr. Elvis Julie from the Guy Morel Institute.  The workshop, which was tailor made by the National Assembly Secretariat to suit the employees’ needs, had the desired impact, as all our staff came out of the training feeling refreshed with innovative ideas, contented and ready to work as a team to accomplish great things for the success of their Unit! 

Some of the topics revolved around bonding and teamwork; problem solving, trust, leadership, effective communication, building up positivity, understanding the Institution’s/Unit’s strategic objectives, maintaining a happier workforce and practicing good work ethics.

The team had fun during the very interactive session while at the same time assimilating the desired lessons and outcomes.

We wish the team, under the supervision of our capable Senior Housekeeper, all the very best, as they apply learning to their everyday work.
