The Speaker of the National Assembly, Hon. Roger Mancienne met with the first High Commissioner Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Maldives to the Republic of Seychelles, H.E. Mr. Omar Abdul Razzak this morning. The Speaker was accompanied by the Deputy Speaker, Hon. Gervais Henrie, the Clerk, Mrs Tania Isaac and the Deputy Clerk, Ms Alexandria Faure.


The Speaker welcomed and congratulated the High Commissioner on being the first Maldivian High Commissioner to the Seychelles and was glad to make his acquaintance. H.E Mr Razzak felt equally glad to meet the Speaker and stated that it was an honour and privilege for him to become the first representative to the Seychelles.


During the meeting, both dignitaries expressed their hope and desire to strengthen the strong bilateral relationship that both countries have had since 1980. They discussed avenues of cooperation and common interests such as; the Blue Economy, Climate Action and the development of the tourism industry. Both dignitaries discussed the prospect of initiating a friendship group between the two parliaments for the exchange of best practices. 


H.E Mr Razzak was accompanied by the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Maldives in Seychelles, Mr Lambert Bonne and the Third Secretary of the High Commission of Maldives in Sri Lanka, Ms Aishath Nihad.