The Ambassador of Georgia to the Republic of Seychelles, H.E. Mr. Zurab Dvalishvili paid a Courtesy Call on the Speaker of the National Assembly, Hon. Roger Mancienne this afternoon. Speaker Mancienne was accompanied by the Deputy Speaker, Hon. Gervais Henrie, the Clerk, Mrs Tania Isaac and the Deputy Clerk, Ms Alexandria Faure.


The Speaker welcomed the Ambassador who was on his second visit to the Seychelles, after the first one in 2019.

Both the Ambassador and the Speaker discussed the challenges that both countries are facing due to the Covid-19 pandemic and how it has especially affected Seychelles’ tourism industry. Both dignitaries expressed great enthusiasm for possible areas of collaboration between Georgia and Seychelles for sectors such as tourism and education.

Hon. Mancienne and H.E Mr Dvalishvili promised to build on parliamentary diplomatic relations between Georgia and Seychelles through friendship groups and capacity building opportunities for staff.


H.E Mr Dvalishvili was presented with a small token by the Speaker on behalf of the National Assembly before the meeting concluded. The Speaker also took this opportunity to wish the Ambassador a Happy National Day as Georgia will be celebrating this auspicious occasion tomorrow.


The Ambassador then proceeded to meet with the Chairperson of the International Affairs Committee, Hon. Waven William to further discuss avenues of cooperation especially in terms of establishing a parliamentary friendship group between the two countries.
