The newly accredited High Commissioner of the Republic of Rwanda to the Republic of Seychelles, H.E Maj Gen Charles Karamba paid a Courtesy Call on the Speaker of the National Assembly, Hon. Roger Mancienne this morning. Speaker Mancienne was accompanied by the Deputy Speaker, Hon. Gervais Henrie, the Clerk, Mrs Tania Isaac and the Deputy Clerk, Ms Alexandria Faure.


The Speaker welcomed and congratulated the High Commissioner on his accreditation and was glad to make his acquaintance. H.E Mr Karamba took this opportunity to congratulate the Speaker for taking on this new role.  During the meeting, the High Commissioner and Speaker Mancienne discussed a few possible avenues of cooperation between the Seychelles and Rwanda. The areas of common interests were sectors such as the environment, agricultural and tourism industries. 

The High Commissioner also had the opportunity to share with all who were present, how the Parliament of Rwanda operates, its history and the importance of Parliament when it comes to ensuring that there is a role of oversight over the Executive in order to ensure democracy thrives and is kept alive. 

The Speaker of the National Assembly concluded the meeting on a happy note, wishing that the High Commissioner visits the Seychelles soon as he is currently based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. H.E, Mr Karamba was presented with a small token by the Speaker before his departure.