The International Affairs Committee (IAC) of the National Assembly, Chaired by Hon. Waven William met with the Foreign Affairs Department and the Seychelles Coast Guard on Wednesday 31st March 2021. Hon. William was accompanied by other Members of the Committee, namely; Hon. Philip Monthy, Hon. Kelly Samynadin, Hon. Wallace Cosgrow, Hon. Egbert Aglae and Hon. Philip Arissol.



The purpose of this meeting was to discuss and officially review the ‘Agreement between the Government of the United States of America (USA) and the Government of the Republic of Seychelles Concerning Counter Illicit Transnational Maritime Activity Operations.’ The Agreement seeks to mobilise the cooperation and support of the Government of the United States of America in order to reinforce maritime security.



Lt. Col. Leslie Benoiton - Director of NISCC, Lt. Col- Jean Attala - Ag. Commander of the Seychelles Coast Guard, Mr. Ian Madeleine – Director of Regional Affairs and Ms. Teresa Laurencine- Second Secretary in the International Law Unit of Foreign Affairs were the representatives of the two Divisions who were present for the meeting.



Mr. Madeleine was able to provide the Committee with a detailed explanation as to why this Agreement is important and how it can benefit Seychelles in several pivotal ways relating to maritime security. Some of the stated benefits are that of; the reinforcement of maritime security, boosted economy as fish stocks and marine resources are better protected and the strengthening of the bilateral cooperation between the USA and Seychelles. The representatives from the Seychelles Coast Guard explained that Seychelles is in fact placed in a geographically strategic location and this means that country is also in a vulnerable position and prone to certain threats as was seen in the past when the country had to face encounters with piracy.  The delegation informed the IAC that the Agreement would put Seychelles in a better position to be able to maneuver through arising issues similarly to that which has been previously faced or even impediments that are not yet apparent.

The Members of the Committee also got to ask questions relating to this Agreement to better understand the implications of being party to this agreement and the overall impacts in strengthening our maritime security surveillance capacity. The Committee will be presenting a Report to the House when the Protocol will be presented for ratification.