The Speaker of the National Assembly, Hon. Roger Mancienne accompanied by Deputy Speaker, Hon. Gervais 
Henrie met with the Ombudsman, Mrs. Nichole Tirant-Ghérardi this afternoon. Mrs. Tirant-Ghérardi had the 
honour to present a copy of the Annual Report of the Ombudsman for the year of 2020 entitled “The 
Ombudsman – A Fourth Arm of the State”.  

This act was done as part of her Constitutional duty and is stated in Article 143 (6) which dictates that ‘The 
Ombudsman shall not later than the thirty-first January in each year make a general report to the National 
Assembly with a copy to the President on the exercise of the functions of the Ombudsman under this 
Constitution during the previous year.’ The conveying of this Report was delayed this year because of the 
current Covid-19 situation in the country.  

Mrs. Tirant-Ghérardi mentioned that this was in fact the first time since she took office in 2017 that she has 
had the honour of being able to present the Report to the Speaker directly. The Ombudsman also took this 
opportunity to share some of her views and concerns which are linked to her office with the Speaker and 
explained that the report has all the matters which she believes are worth taking note of.  

The Speaker thanked Mrs. Tirant-Ghérardi for her work, for presenting this document to the National 
Assembly and wished her well for the year ahead.