The International Affairs Committee had the first oversight meeting of what will be regular consultative sessions with the Department of Foreign Affairs on Thursday 21st January 2021 at the National Assembly. The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Tourism, Mr. Sylvestre Radegonde attended the meeting and was accompanied by the Principal Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Marina Confait, Mr. Jacques Belle and Ms. Patsy Moustache.



The purpose of the meeting was for the Committee to be appraised on the Budget Strategy for Foreign Affairs for 2021, the ongoing re-structuring programme, the outcomes of the Mauritius State Visit by President Ramkalawan and also carry out discussions on pertinent issues relating to the portfolio of Foreign Affairs. The Committee was briefed on the strategy and importance of the visit to Mauritius, especially now with the COVID-19 pandemic and to present the economic challenges being faced. Minister Radegonde reiterated that cementing the ties in the region is recognized as very crucial whereby trade and investment are concerned. In Addition, President Ramkalawan’s meetings with the EU, UN and Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) and other dignitaries relevant to the foreign policy of Seychelles within the region and beyond were highlighted. The Members of the Committee were able to ask pertinent questions on the I.O.C and expressed the need for a more dynamic regional cooperation, as well as the need for Seychelles to take the lead to revamp and the Indian Ocean Parliamentary Association with the assistance of the Department of Foreign Affairs.


Mr. Belle

Both Dr. Confait and Minister Radegonde discussed the objectives of the restructuring of the Department and assured the committee that the new restructuring plan will not affect the budget but will be compensated by the closure of the Embassies in Cuba, Sri Lanka and Geneva. The Committee queried on whether there will be further closures of other Embassies and whether the functions of the Honorary Consuls representing Seychelles undergo a review process also.

Ms Moustache


The Chairperson of the IAC, Hon. William, was accompanied by the Vice-Chairperson, Hon. Wavel Woodcock, Hon. Philip Monthy, Hon. Kelly Samynadin, Hon. Philip Arissol and the Deputy Clerk to the National Assembly, Miss Alexandria Faure.  The IAC and the Department of Foreign Affairs agreed to have regular consultative meetings so as to be abreast of the foreign policy matters and to the various strategies being undertaken regionally and at the multilateral level.

