Following yesterday’s announcement by the President, H.E Mr. Wavel Ramkalawan and Dr. Jude Gedeon, the Health Commissioner on new measures to be put in place up to the 13th January 2021 regarding COVID-19, the Defence and Security Committee chaired by Hon. Clifford Andre is extending all its support to President Ramkalawan, the Health Commissioner, the Defence Forces, Police Force and the people of Seychelles during this new development of the pandemic which is a severe threat to the health and economy of the Seychelles.

The Members of the Committee would also like to share the pain and the anguish of the people of Seychelles now that COVID-19 is infecting our community and causing much alarm to the population. In addition to supporting all measures being put in place or which may be necessary to be enforced should the need arise, the Committee joins President Ramkalawan, the Health Commissioner and other authorities in pleading to the people of Seychelles to please take COVID-19 seriously, to abide to official instructions, which involve staying at home, avoiding large groups, wearing masks and hand sanitizing regularly. The Committee further encourages workplaces to implement homeworking policies where applicable.

The Defence and Security Committee believe that it would suffice if everyone takes their responsibility seriously to stop the chain of contamination, so that Seychelles and the lives of its people can return to normalcy the soonest and that the economy blossoms for the betterment of Seychelles. 

Finally, the Committee extends the support to the Defence Forces and the Police as we endeavor to look into any spending that will make the said tasks undertaken more manageable.

The Committee is Chaired by Hon. Clifford Andre, Vice Chaired by Hon. Francois Adelaide, and has five ordinary Members, namely; Hon. Sebastien Pillay, Hon. Sandy Arissol, Hon. Churchill Gill, Hon. Michel Roucou and Hon. Doyace Porice.

Sec and Def Com